

Traveling to academic conferences, research symposiums, and other educational events can significantly enhance a student’s academic and professional development. 学生 Travel Awards program is designed to support students in their pursuit of these enriching 提供经济援助的经验. 本指南概述了资格 criteria, types of travel that can be funded, general guidelines, and the 应用程序 procedure to help you successfully secure funding for your educational travels.




Travel awards will be funded for 只有 one of two funding periods: All travel requests must be complete by the appropriate deadlines to receive consideration which is 18 November or 30 January (至少60天 prior to the anticipated date 离职).

Requests can be made for anticipated expenses related to registration, transportation, 和住宿 只有. Travel within North America and the Caribbean is eligible for a maximum of $500. Other international travel requests are eligible for a maximum of $750. 任何旅行 在美国以外的国家必须遵守 所有 365bet国际旅行政策. 批准的资金将在下列情况下偿还 the trip after 1) submission of the completed travel expense 索赔表格及 eligible 收据和2)提交 假期后调查. Failure to follow the guidelines or who do not provide appropriate receipts will 不报销. Please note that OSRI has limited travel funds and makes no guarantees regarding level 旅行支持. Not 所有 awards will meet the maximum funding eligibility and previous travel support 不应该作为未来旅行支持的指标吗.



Please make sure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying for travel grant. Please make sure you adhere to 所有 the guidelines, also make sure you submit your 格式正确的文档 (pdf) and make sure your documents are signed accordingly where necessary by both the applicant 以及他们的主管. Please make sure that you communicate with your supervisor effectively before you 申请旅游津贴. 请不要犹豫与OSRI联系以获取更多信息. 所有申请都必须提交 至少60天 在您预定的出发日期之前. 如果做不到这一点,可能会导致您的应用程序 因迟交而不被批准.



应用 for your travel 应用程序 online using the 应用程序 form at the bottom 本页的. OSRI will send you a confirmation about a receipt of your 应用程序 and will create a file for you in anticipation of your documents to support your travel 授予应用程序.


After receiving an email confirming the receipt of your 应用程序. Please attach 所有 your travel support grant documents listed below 在pdf. 发邮件至 osri@阿卜苏.edu.

  1. 支持信 (在部门信抬头)) from faculty sponsor detailing the name of the student and expected benefit of travel.
  2. A travel statement of benefit from the student stating the name, A number, purpose of the trip, location of the venue and duration of travel is also required for a completed 应用程序. 请使用这份利益声明作为模板.
  3. Provide documentation of approval of the reason for travel by the hosting party.
  4. 一份由学生和导师签署的完整的表格 旅行授权表格 . Make sure the contact name and contact number is filled in the form.
  5. 一份完整的 预期费用表. Please fill in 所有 your anticipated expense (feeding, taxi fares, 等) together with incurred expenses and proofs of the expenses (receipts, conference registration 收据等.)
  6. 附上你的文件并通过电子邮件发送你的文件 (pdf) to osri@阿卜苏.edu
  7. After submitting your completed travel support documents, you will receive an email 确认您的文件已完成并准备好处理.
  8. You will be informed about the outcome of your travel 应用程序 by email and the total amount approved and also a travel authorization number before your trip.


  1. 回程后7天内填写旅行调查表. 未能填写 调查将导致资金不发放.
  2. 联系并通知OSRI你的旅行归来.
  3. The departments concerned about your reimbursement will be informed about your return.
  4. 通知你的主管你回来了. 提交 旅行费用报销表 连同所有其他证明文件 to your respective departmental administrative office within one week of returning 从你的旅行中. 所有符合条件的收据必须包括在索赔表格中. 索赔 没有适当收据的表格将不获接纳. 没有提交 索赔表格及 旅行后调查 在10天内,将没收所授予的资金.
  5. After completion of your documents being processed you will be reimbursed up to the 授予数量.
  6. Expenses incurred by the student prior to receiving confirmation of awarded funding 这是学生的责任吗.

Students who fail to follow the guidelines for funding or who do not provide appropriate 文件和收据将不予报销.